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Presidential Election Results: LIVE coverage of Trump, Biden and key races | USA TODAY

U.S. Presidential Election Results (1789-2020)

Live outcomes from the 2020 official political race as Americans vote in races for the administration, 11 governorships, 35 Senate seats, and every one of the 435 House seats. Results map revives at regular intervals. 

Last surveys show the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic chose one Joe Biden has fixed since mid-October, both broadly and in milestone states. 

Biden's lead in USA TODAY's normal of midpoints, which depends on information from RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight, arrived at twofold digits on Oct. 12 however has since fallen back to a 7.5-rate point lead. That leaves him back generally similarly situated USA TODAY discovered him in its first survey roundup on Sept. 28, when his surveying normal lead over Trump was 7.2 focuses. 

U.S. Presidential Election Results (1789-2020)

U.S. Presidential Election Results (1789-2020)

Past the administration, Tuesday's political decision may bring about changes in Congress, where Democrats need to recover control of the Republican-drove Senate and Democrats would like to grow their preferred position in the House.

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